Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Middle East "Nu-cu-lar" Super Power, Brought to You by George W. Bush

This is part of a collection of "letters to the editor" that I never sent out, so forgive the apparent outdated-ness of this. This letter was written after the Iraq Election earlier this year.

While the Republicans of San Mateo were celebrating W's inagural they were joined by others across the globe. Most notable of the celebrants include Iran's Islamic clerical regime, one third of the axis of evil . Despite a costly television campaign funded by your tax dollars the U.S. back Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's coalition was crushed by the United Iraqi Alliance headed by Iraq's senior Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al- Sistani who had spent years in exile in Iran. His political party has very close ties to Iran's Islamic Government. An Iraqi politician was quoted as saying "Americans are in for a shock, one day they would realize we've got 150,000 troops here protecting a country that's extremely friendly to Iran, and training their troops."

So it seems the good ole boy freedom's-on-the-march logic of the Republican party does not pan out in the real world. We created a monster a 1,000 times worse than Saddam. Iraq and Iran will be allies with bonds as strong as our bond with Britain. Iran is known to have REAL weapons of mass destruction, nuclear missiles. Do the math. George W. Bush has created a super nuclear power in the Middle East that hates the very existence of the United States. And if that wasn't fun enough they sit on a vast amount of our precious oil supply.

Posters promoting the election in Iraq are already being replaced with one stating, "They will leave, and we are staying. Iraq -- one country, glorious future." Glorious indeed. While Rome burns, Republicans dance.


Anonymous said...

Ok this is scary stuff. Wonder how it will all pan out seeing how the current gonvernment can't get it together. Maybe the Sunnis will come back in power.

The Garbage Man said...

I think we're in it for the long haul. Unlike Vietnam there is no single force strong enough to take over so if we left it would be a chaotic civil war between the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds.

Iran most certainly would play a very major role in the East and South helping out the Shiites.

Turkey doesn't want a Kurdish country to form in the North so they jump on in and fight the Iraqi Kurds who will most likely will team-up with the Turkish Kurds. The poor Kurds would be fighting on more than one front, the Iraqi civil war and the Turkish civil war.

The Sunnis will bring in even more Syrians to blow up everybody.

So as bad as it is now it will only be worse if we pull out.

Good times!