Monday, July 25, 2005

The Conservative Gloves Are Off

This was a "letter to the editor" I wrote that was published in the Pacifica Tribune after the Nov 2004 elections.

Well now that the election is over the gloves are off. Coservative author Richard Viguerie, who wrote "America's Right Turn" was being interviewed on National Public Radio (yes the NPR interviews conservatives all the time). He gave a short list of the top priorities conservatives have for the next four years. After each of his items I provide a "blue-ist" response.

1) Take control of the courts and make them "much more conservative in the mold of Judge Thomas" - Coat hanger abortions unless you are rich; and don't expect conservatives to fund preventive measures to reduce abortion such as sex education in the schools and Planned Parenthood funding.

2) No funding for stem cell research - Extremist religious ideology over science, just like the Taliban!

3) Constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage - The first time an amendment will be added to the constitution to discriminate against a large population of citizens. Way to go patriot! All men are created equal unless you are a gay!

4) Vouchers for private schools - The destruction of the public school system, stealing money for public schools and giving it to private schools. Good news if you are rich.

5) More tax cuts - Uhhh MORE tax cuts? I have not noticed any tax cuts. Oh ya I'm not a multi national corporation.

6) Private accounts in the social security system - No money going into the system just when the baby boomers will need it. Also leading economists are nervous that all this money flooding the market will cause a major stock market crash.

7) Oil drilling in Alaska - All the oil in Alaska adds up to just a couple of days of consumption in the U.S.. Why not require auto companies to make cars that get just 2 more miles per gallon, that will more than make up for all the oil in Alaska? Oh I know why, because the conservative agenda is all about the rich getting richer and the poor get screwed.

You silly Bush supporter. You thought the election was about safety from terrorism and the creation of jobs. You've been bamboozled. (fake comedy news sight) said it best with this weeks all too true headline "Nations Poor Win Election for Nation's Rich".

I find solace in the fact that those with college degrees overwhelmingly voted for Kerry, who receive the second highest number of votes ever in a Presidential election.


Anonymous said...

Love the graphic! All too true.

Anonymous said...

ahahaha "silly bush supporters..." priceless. considering much of minden consists of republican senior citizens...its nice to hear the truth from something even remotely liberal.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but who received the most votes, liberal morons.

The Garbage Man said...

To anonymous ...

I know you are but what am I ...