Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'll be taking a break for a few months to enjoy the rest of summer and to spend time with the shortie and my bottom bitch. I've rearainged the articles and hence the dates shown are not the actual posting dates nor are they in chronological order.

Impeach Bush.

Drive safe.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Congratulations ...

I usually despise SPAM and that includes people forwarding all sorts of joke and test-yourself email. The one type of SPAM and pop-up I have a hard time resisting is the IQ test. So I take this IQ test which has about 50 questions. In the end, prior to telling me the results, they want me to give them my first and last names, date of birth, email address and mailing address. Of course I was not going to give them any sort of real information so I fill in the informaiton in my usual manner, fake name and a email address.

What I did not expect was the resulting webpage. I guess you can say what goes around comes around.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Your Logo Here

The latest in corporate gift ideas, scrotum pouches.

You got to wonder who was the first person to think this up?

... and for the ladies cane toad coin purses.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Mega Jesus

From Wednesday's Mark Morford article on

"Note the gleam, the sheen, the hair product, the creepy I-can't-believe-you're-all-falling-for-my-shtick grin splattered all over televangelist and best-selling author Joel Osteen and his not-quite-human wife, Victoria, as they celebrate the grand opening of the new home for the Lakewood Church, formerly the Compaq Center. I mean, come *on* people. Didn't anyone see "V" back in the '80s? Can't you tell the scary lizard race from the Fifth Dimension when you see them? Look more closely. Look at those eyes. Scaly!"