Wednesday, June 01, 2005

If A Tree Falls In The Forest ...

I often wonder what it must be like to be in a band for several years, work really hard, spend lots of money going into a studio, spend lots of time away from your loved ones and watch other bands move on and make it big only to have your band be forgotten the moment the band breaks up. Yes this is the fate of most bands, they exist for awhile, create new songs, play a few shows and are essentially forgotten to all except those members in the band. It's sad really, especially for those bands that were good and had talent. I can recall seeing a few of my friends' bands slowly die off, playing to empty bars where once they had a following. As it turns out I guess I have some idea about this. After all I did have a band in high school then later when I was a 20-something. Both efforts never really made it out of the starting gates but they did exist just the same. I do not claim that I or anybody in these bands have any talent, but we had, at one time, a lot of heart. I never made any real sacrifices in pursuing these projects so I can not really cry about all the lost effort. But when each of these projects died it was sad. Being in a band is a lot of hard work even if you are not very good or only played a few shows. When a band breaks up all the songs you wrote sort of just die, never to be played again, never to be heard by anybody else.

Since it's free and there is a lot worse out there, I thought I would setup a few sites to honor those forgotten times. If for no other reason past band mates can have a chuckle or maybe even enjoy some of these recordings, provided they get really drunk first. For any major label talent scout reading this, yes I remain available and unsigned, so please contact me with any multi-million dollar recording contracts.

Good times!

More current and sort of on-going is Dough Boy, the premiere band leading the dough rock revolution through out the Bay Area.

Who can forget (well apparently everybody) The Decoys (aka Cadre, aka Aftershock).

And where it all started the band known as Instrumental Music.

and now the proverbial check-back-often-comment: more to come and check back often ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks! downloaded them.
