Friday, June 17, 2005

The King of Run-On Sentences

I'm a big fan of San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford. In high school we were taught ad nauseam to never write a run-on sentence. In his honor I compiled a short list of some of my favorite run-on sentences written by Mark. Here they are in no particular order.

On rock stars who sell out their best songs:
"And maybe that sad epitaph was writ even larger a few years back when stodgy old Cadillac bought the rights to Zeppelin's manic mega-anthem "Rock n' Roll" for use in hawking the wildly mediocre CTS sedan to wealthy boho yuppies, all of whom vaguely remember inhaling back in the '70s and who might've once believed Page & Plant to be demigods but who now only fantasize about owning a riding lawn mower and having sex once a month and glimpsing the babysitter's nipples through her Avril Lavigne T-shirt. "

On the band Cold Play:
"Coldplay is the new creamy soothing balm you rub all over your chafed and itchy thighs after a long day working in the hot sun hauling scrub brush to the weed pile in the backyard while the goddamn kids think it's funny to throw mudballs at the windows and the creepy meth-lab neighbors peek at you through their dark stained Levolor blinds as you imagine them storing up jars of pickled squirrel brains for the winter. "

On a study which showed excesive internet usage is more dangerous than marijuana:
"That is to say, didn't millions of us already sense, deeper down, despite all this mad orgasm of technology and despite all this incredible ability to stay in constant touch and despite how you can now travel almost nowhere in the world save for remote parts of the Amazon jungle where you cannot be tracked or e-mailed or faxed or called on the cell or FedExed a package from, don't you just know that we are, in fact, lowering our IQs and slaughtering brain cells like Karl Rove murders joy? "

On Mel Gibson's The Passion:
"Perhaps you, furthermore, are more than slightly disturbed that millions have flocked to this bizarre ultraviolent blood-drenched revisionist flick and that so many actually believe its story to be absolutely true, and that it just surpassed "The Return of the King" in total box office and is the No. 8 most successful film of all time and it was No. 1 again across BushCo's flyover states during Easter weekend and has sold 650,000 books and 125,000 creepy pewter nail necklaces and you find it all just incredibly warped and disheartening and what the hell is the world coming to."

On John Ashcroft's war against porn:
"Because while 9/11 and the process of gleefully decimating your civil liberties via the USA Patriot Act may have delayed him a few years, Ashcroft & Co. is back on the anti-porn warpath, hell-bent on slashing and burning its way through the porn industry like a priest through an all-male boarding school -- oh wait, bad analogy -- like a hot knife through butter -- nope, not that, either -- like a Halliburton exec through Baghdad -- there, that's more like it -- as the U.S. Justice Department sets its sights on punishing the sex industry and eradicating porn and making the world safe for uptight danceless ultra-pious nondrinking white men once and for all."

On modern grocery stores:
"It's like some bizarrely overlit funhouse, a massive chaotic attack on all your senses and an outright assault on your optic nerves, and that's well before you've even made it past the towering display of Bud Light and well before the huge end-cap cases of Ruffles Sour Cream and Strychnine and about a mile away from the chemical-blasted, hormone-injected, meat-like slabs in the butcher's section that seem to look at you as you amble by, and hiss. "

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Careful with that Axe Eugene

Pacifica is a relatively small coastal town just south of San Francisco. It was incorporated in 1957 and hence is a relatively young city comprised of smaller geographically divided hamlets doting the Pacific Coast. Perhaps due to it's young age the city does not have an over abundance of business codes on the books. Although new development is generally frowned upon you never hear too much talk about what type of businesses should be allowed in town.

Pacifica had no specific business code that dealt with the retail sale of fire arms. We did not have any gun stores in town until recently. A gun store, following proper procedures, was allowed to open up in a strip mall right next to Clay Creations a clay art studio mostly geared towards kids. When school is not is session and especially during the holidays this place is packed with children.

You could imagine what an uproar this created in this mostly Democratic community. The local paper was filled with letters to the editor from both sides, although mostly from the anti-gun folks. Soon after this happened the city council passed a law making it harder for gun stores to open, however this law is not retroactive so the current gun store was allowed to stay.

I heard all the usual arguments which I will not repeat here, and for awhile I started to side with the pro-gun crowd. Not so much for the same ole arguments I've heard a million times before but for the fact that that I started to think about the "pro-gun" guys I know. Funny thing is each of these guys, 3 to be exact, are stand up guys. I would trust my life with each of them. Although it is odd that each of them just so happens to be a Republican.

Well as luck would have it, less than 4 months after the store opened a guy rammed his car through the front window, stole a shotgun and started shooting up the place.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Forty Whiners

From: Joe G
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 9:34 AM
To: Matier and Ross column
Subject: Training video prequel: 49ers apologize anew

You can go back to reporting news any time now.

From: "Matier and Ross column"
Subject: RE: Training video prequel: 49ers apologize anew
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:23:25 -0700
To: "Joe G"

Joe, look, we hardly consider this the biggest story to hit San Francisco. But here are a few facts to consider: They shot part of the 2004 video in the mayor's office, and in a Santa Clara County jail facility. Not to mention that former GM Terry Donahue tried to use the video to save his job. Not to mention that many people did find the video offensive, and that copies were being sent to the mayor's office, the National Football League and the media. Not to mention that it had already cost PR director Kirk Reynolds his job. So I guess we were just supposed to ignore it all in the name of good journalism? Any rate, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Best, Andy Ross

... and now my response

We live in a hyper sensitive politically correct environment enabled by the media. These tapes are not for public consumption nor are the 49ers publicly owned. The players are not complaining. The Mayor and Sheriff are the only ones who should be held accountable for letting the Niners use their public facilities if that indeed is the issue. Boo hoo the football players like to get a little raunchy. It happens all the time just not on video so why is it all of the sudden an issue? It's News at Eleven!

Let football players be football players. This is not news! What's next San Francisco's perspective on "The Run Away Bride"?

All the Best right back at ya Andy

Players leave a "diversity training" session after being told attendance is not mandatory.

49ers can't say 'sorry' enough
At Chinatown forum, owner is asked for jobs, contracts

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Michael Jackson: The Man, The Myth, The ... WTF Happened?!?!?

At the time of writing this article the world awaits the jury's verdict in Michael Jackson's child molestation trial.

Michael Jackson born in 1958 was sheltered from the outside world by his mother's Jehovah's Witness faith and his dad's strict and ill-tempered style. When MJ was just a toddler his dad was already working on the first incarnation of what would later become the Jackson 5. The first Jackson 5 album came out in 1969 when MJ was just 11 and from that point on he was a celebrity and a prepubescent sex symbol. When Thriller came out in 1982 he went from celebrity to the most famous singer on the planet, ever, he was 25. He received 9 Grammys the next year and by the time he was 31 he received an American Music Lifetime Achievement award. He was inducted into the Rock n' Roll hall of fame TWICE. He was born a performer, became quickly famous, remained famous throughout his life and hence has no perspective on reality. Of course his parents are due a lot of the blame for his lack of perspective yet since I am one of the people that make up the entertainment consuming public I can not help but feel somehow responsible.

We, the masses, allowed his behavior to go unchecked for too long. We cut him too much slack during our drunk euphoric appreciation of his Thriller album. Maybe because he had the first "feature length" video for the title song Thriller, maybe it was the way he lit up the sidewalk during the Billy Jean video. Somewhere along the way one of us should have stood up and said something. Looking back I can't believe we the public allowed him to go around in a matching red leather outfit with one diamond studded glove. We actually mimicked him in mass quantity, it was hard NOT to find a jacket at Mervyn's with less than ten zippers, the malls were filled with odd looking MJ clones, both black AND white. We looked the other way when he bought a pet tiger and then eventually a pet monkey, we ignored his cry for help in the form of the song titles Beat It, I'm Bad, Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal.

At which point did we the public notice something had changed? What was the definitive moment when he transitioned from King of Pop to Wacko Jacko? There are so many to choose from. Was it when he took hormones to preserve his girlish voice or was it when he was rumored to have purchased the skeleton of the Elephant Man? Was it his marriage to
Lisa Marie Presley or his friendship with Emmanuel Lewis? By the time he dangled his infant Prince over a balcony we were no longer surprised. Hire a Voodoo doctor to put a hex on fellow celebrities? No problem. Live a life of a child's fantasy, create an amusement park in your backyard and collect zoo animals? Why not, he IS Michael Jackson after all. Talk about the virtues of sleeping with young boys in your bedroom on national television? Uh sure o kay, wait a minute... what? Somewhere between ABC and You Rock My World he lost his way.

I'm not sure how you got to where you are today Michael but I should have said something earlier, and for that I am sorry.

Click here to see how Michael would look today without cosmetic surgery.

If A Tree Falls In The Forest ...

I often wonder what it must be like to be in a band for several years, work really hard, spend lots of money going into a studio, spend lots of time away from your loved ones and watch other bands move on and make it big only to have your band be forgotten the moment the band breaks up. Yes this is the fate of most bands, they exist for awhile, create new songs, play a few shows and are essentially forgotten to all except those members in the band. It's sad really, especially for those bands that were good and had talent. I can recall seeing a few of my friends' bands slowly die off, playing to empty bars where once they had a following. As it turns out I guess I have some idea about this. After all I did have a band in high school then later when I was a 20-something. Both efforts never really made it out of the starting gates but they did exist just the same. I do not claim that I or anybody in these bands have any talent, but we had, at one time, a lot of heart. I never made any real sacrifices in pursuing these projects so I can not really cry about all the lost effort. But when each of these projects died it was sad. Being in a band is a lot of hard work even if you are not very good or only played a few shows. When a band breaks up all the songs you wrote sort of just die, never to be played again, never to be heard by anybody else.

Since it's free and there is a lot worse out there, I thought I would setup a few sites to honor those forgotten times. If for no other reason past band mates can have a chuckle or maybe even enjoy some of these recordings, provided they get really drunk first. For any major label talent scout reading this, yes I remain available and unsigned, so please contact me with any multi-million dollar recording contracts.

Good times!

More current and sort of on-going is Dough Boy, the premiere band leading the dough rock revolution through out the Bay Area.

Who can forget (well apparently everybody) The Decoys (aka Cadre, aka Aftershock).

And where it all started the band known as Instrumental Music.

and now the proverbial check-back-often-comment: more to come and check back often ...